New employee handbook April 2024


h) Similarly for employees who are in receipt of SSP but for one of the above reasons the Company cannot conƟnue to pay SSP, the employee will be issued with an SSP1 showing the reason why. This form should be taken to the employee’s local job centre plus office to claim further benefits. b) Company Sick Pay In the event that an employee is absent from work due to personal illness or injury, provided the procedures outlined in the Absence Management Policy have been followed, payment of Company Sick Pay will be made as per the details in your contract of employment. Any previous absence due to illness or injury during the immediate twelve months (52 weeks) preceding the first day of the current period of absence will be taken into account when calculaƟng enƟtlement to payment. The Company records relaƟng to absence will be regarded as conclusive. At the end of the period of paid sickness set out in your contract, salary payment will cease without further noƟficaƟon. Once Company Sick Pay enƟtlement ceases you will conƟnue, where eligible, to receive payment of SSP (for up to 28 weeks sickness in total). Payment of salary will be made, subject to the deducƟon by the Company of the equivalent amount of Statutory Sickness Payment which may be payable. c) Unpaid Leave The consent of the Supervisor/Line Manager must be obtained prior to absence from work for any reason other than personal illness or injury. Unpaid leave, may be authorised according to circumstances solely at the Manager’s discreƟon and will be recorded by HR via Cascade. d) Compassionate Leave If a death or a serious illness occurs to a close family member, (defined as grandparent, parent, partner, sibling or child) employees will be allowed Ɵme off appropriate to the circumstances of each case. Employees requesƟng Ɵme off for this purpose will be granted up to three days compassionate leave and a day to aƩend the funeral. The employee should inform their Supervisor/ Manager who will in turn inform HR. Management discreƟon should be used in cases of the request for Ɵme off outside the definiƟon of a ‘close family member’. e) Unauthorised Absence In the event that an employee is absent from work, other than for reasons of cerƟfied sickness or with the prior approval of management, then this absence will be regarded as unauthorised and render the employee liable to disciplinary acƟon. 8) Hɼʙidʋɨ EnƟtlement to annual holiday is 26 days paid holiday (plus naƟonal bank holidays) in any holiday year. Upon achievement of 5 years’ conƟnuous service, employees will be awarded one extra day of annual leave making their total 27 days. New employees during their first year of employment will have a holiday enƟtlement pro - rata to the 26 days’ annual holiday, (less any fixed holidays agreed) for each completed week of service up to 31st December in any year. For part Ɵme employees, your annual leave and bank holiday enƟtlement will be pro - rata based on the number of days worked in a working week.


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