New employee handbook April 2024
for J & E Hall, Coulstock & Place and DAPS employees ƩǔǙƱǖYƩE ƭDŽǕƧƥƵǖK 2024
Oʦɠ J & E Hɪɸɗ Our Mission, Vision & Values
References Smoking & Vaping Drugs & Alcohol Gambling Private Trading AnƟ - bribery & AnƟ - corrupƟon Data ProtecƟon Visitors TerminaƟon of Employment Vehicles European Works Council
25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28
Jury Service
We’re a member of the Daikin Group
Severe Weather
Business Areas
Family Leave
ProbaƟonary Period
Management Structure
Disciplinary Procedure
ExecuƟve Team Backgrounds
Grievance Procedure 23 Electronic CommunicaƟon & Social Media 23 Dress Code 23 Health and Safety 23
Cʝmʛʦʜicaʤiʝɚ Employee Intranet
Employee E - Shots
ReporƟng of Accidents
Whistleblowing Modern Slavery
Market Insight
Social Media
First Aiders
Fire Marshals
Uȿeʓʅɗ ResʝʦrȪeɡ Company Vehicles
Oʦɠ EʛɿlʝɆȭeɡ Pay & Benefits
29 29 29
Overseas Travel
Cascade Pensions
Personal Property
Oʦɠ PɼʙiʎȲeɡ Basic Terms
Right of Search
Other Employment
Payment of Salaries
RelaƟonships at Work
Hours of Work
Disclosure of InformaƟon
Flexible Working
Long Service
Home or Hybridworking
How to use this handbook
This employee handbook sets out all the informaƟon you need to find out a liƩle more about J & E Hall, our policies and benefits. Whether you’re an exisƟng or new employee, it explains the opportuniƟes that are available to you as part of the J & E Hall team, and we hope it will be a good point of reference. It may seem like there’s a lot to remember, but if you have any quesƟons, your manager or HR department will be able to help and support you. This handbook applies to all J & E Hall, Coulstock & Place and Daikin Applied Service colleagues.
Our mission, vision and values
Knowing why we’re doing what we’re doing (our mission), where we’re trying to go (our vision) and how we’re going to go about it (our values) are the glue that holds our organisaƟon together. It is an essenƟal part to building your strategic foundaƟon and developing a strategy. We preserve these elements while your strategies and goals change and flex with the market. They give us complete clarity when making criƟcal business decisions that impact our future.
Wɏ ʨɵɸɗ uȿɏ ʝʦɠ ʛisʣiʝɚ, ʧiʣiʝɚ ʋnɍ vɪʙɂeɡ staɀʑȷʑntɡ tɛ:
è Guide our thinking on strategic issues, especially during Ɵmes of change
è Help define performance standards
è Inspire employees to work more producƟvely by providing focus and common goals
è Help establish a framework for ethical behaviour
è Create closer links and beƩer communicaƟon with customer, suppliers and alliance partners
Our mission, vision and values
We’re a member of the Daikin Group
“ “ Daikin is the world’s No.1 air condiƟoning manufacturer
We’re a member of the Daikin Group
Dʋɵʘʖɚ aɢ Ɉ ɳlʋnȪɏ ...
NET SALES OVER $22.7 - $23 Bn
Every five years, Daikin draŌs a unique strategic management plan called “Fusion”. To provide moƟvaƟon that extends beyond the pursuit of numerical targets, Daikin also adds challenging goals for the type of company it wishes to become to inspire employees to strive even further. Daikin and J & E Hall are now implemenƟng Fusion 25 plans. Dʋɵʘʖɚ ʔrʝwʃɓ & sʤraɀeʔɨ...
Business Areas
AʠɿʙȲeɍ ReʓʢiȰʑraʤiʝɚ & SʑʢʧiȪɏ… InstallaƟon and service of refrigeraƟon equipment to the food, beverage and industrial markets
Sɼʙuʤiʝnɡ… Marine HVAC & chillers and process refrigeraƟon systems for the oil, gas, chemical and energy markets
Proʏuctɡ & SpʋȾɏ PɈԫɡ... Supply of standard commercial and industrial refrigeraƟon products and spare parts
RʑmʋʜufacʤʦȾeɍ CʝʛʠȾeȿsʝrɡ ʋnɍ Cʝʅlstoɭɖ & PlaȪɏ… Sales of reman compressors, rewind & sale of electric motors and cable management
Dʋɵʘʖɚ AʠɿʙȲeɍ SʑʢʧiȪɏ Offers maintenance, repairs and support on HVAC systems and applied system soluƟons; covering air handling units, chillers, split air condiƟoning, VRV and heat pumps
Inʏusʤʢiɪɗ Proʏuctɡ
Cʝʛȷʑrʎiɪɗ Proʏuctɡ
HALLSCREW COMPRESSORS • Award winning single screw compressor technology • Semi hermeƟc and open drive • New range of compressors with built - in variable frequency drive (VFD) and variable volume raƟo (VVR)
• UK market leaders • Scroll, digital scroll and reciprocaƟng • New inverter range • MulƟ refrigerant opƟons • Eco - design complaint • Manufactured in group faciliƟes
• Open drive single screw compressor • Complete package with oil management system and controller
• UK market leaders • Brewery specificaƟon 6 fins per inch • Electronic control down to 4°C · 25m pipe runs • 7kW & 8kW CELLAR+ range • Manufactured in group faciliƟes Viʣiɢ ʝʦɠ Cʝʛȷʑrʎiɪɗ ȾeʓʢiȰʑraʤiʝɚ HʅɊ fʝɠ mʝȾɏ ʖnfʝʢmaʤiʝɚ
AQUACHILL • Packaged air cooled chillers
• HallScrew open drive compressors • DuƟes from 219kW to 1,035kW • Ammonia Viʣiɢ ʃȱɏ J & E Hɪɸɗ Ʉɰbʣiɀɏ fʝɠ mʝȾɏ ʖnfʝʢmaʤiʝɚ
SpʋȾɏ PɈԫɡ
• Complete supply and delivery soluƟon for high quality refrigeraƟon parts, HVAC parts and compressor spares. • We support the sale of our commercial and industrial products with a comprehensive range of spare parts for commercial condensing units, cellar cooler and HallScrew compressors.
4 Mʋnɭȱesɀʑɠ Unit 5, Northstage 90, Broadway, Salford, Manchester M50 2UW T: 0161 872 7022 8 CʋrʏɔՓ Unit D1, AtlanƟc Gate Hayes Road, Barry, Vale of Glamorgan CF63 3RF T: 01446 746579
DɈԫfʝrɍ (Heaɍ OɑfiȪɏ)
Questor House, 191 Hawley Road, Darƞord, DA1 1PU T: 01322 394420
Suite 3, Cameron Court, Cameron Street, Hillington Park, Glasgow, G52 4JH T: 0141 892 3400
The Studios, Colorado Way, Castleford WF10 4TA T: 01132 719022
Cʝʅlstoɭɖ & PlaȪɏ
Units 1 - 7, Bankwood Ind. Est Rossington,
Hansard Gate, West Meadows, Derby DE21 6JN T: 01332 253400
Bragborough Hall Business Centre, Welton Road Braunston, Daventry
Doncaster DN11 0PS T: 01302 865400
Northants NN11 7JG T: 01604 521149
Sʝuʃɓ Wesɢ
Unit 25 - 27, Brunel Way, Thornbury, Bristol BS35 3UW T: 01179 820951
6 Claylands Park, Claylands Road, Bishops Waltham, Southampton SO32 1QD T: 01489 890200
Unit 3, Long Meadow, South Brent, Devon TQ10 9YS T: 01364 73045
12 Nʑwcasʃȵɏ E:
Not sure who to contact? Refer to office directory or employee intranet
Service & Maintenance Projects Products Support Services
Management Structure
Senior Advisor Mark Roberts
PA to MD
Managing Director
Joanne Giles
Andrew Bowden
Executive team
Director of OperaƟons and Products Graham Chamberlain
Director of HR
Director ADC
Director of Finance
Director of Service
Director of Nuclear Contracts
Technical Director
MarƟn JeŅins
Terry Young
Murray KeƩle
Andy BirkeƩ
Graham McDermoƩ
Manuel Camacho
EɅeʎuʤʖɃɏ Teʋə Baɭkʔrʝʦndɡ
Andrew Bowden - Managing Director Andrew joined Coulstock and Place in 1987 as an ApprenƟce Electrical Engineer. He worked at the Doncaster site for almost twenty years and in that Ɵme graduated with a BSc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Andrew became the Manager for the Motor & Machining Business before taking on the role as HSQE Manager in 2007. Over the last ten years, Andrew has managed HSQE, as well as being involved in operaƟons for the APRS business, before becoming responsible for Corporate Affairs and Human Resources. In 2018, Andrew became Managing Director.
Mark Roberts - Senior Advisor Mark joined J & E Hall in 1976 as a CraŌ ApprenƟce, at the Southampton Service Centre and has held various roles within the Company. Mark became Managing Director in 2000 and in 2018, reƟred from this role and became Senior Advisor.
Management Structure
MarƟn JeŅins - Director of HR MarƟn joined J & E Hall in January 2018 following a long and successful career in the retail industry. He worked at Tesco for 13 years holding senior HR roles responsible for Reward and Benefits, Recruitment, OrganisaƟonal Design, Talent Development and Performance Management across the Tesco Group (500,000 employees and 12 countries). MarƟn joined the ExecuƟve Team in April 2021.
Murray KeƩle - Director of Finance Murray joined J & E Hall and the ExecuƟve Team in April 2024. AŌer qualifying with KPMG UK, in 1992, Murray has since worked in large global companies such as Blackberry and Electronic Arts, as well as SME’s in England, Australia and most recently Canada.
Graham Chamberlain - Director of OperaƟons - Product Sales & Senior Manager C&P
Having worked in various financial roles in manufacturing, finance and retail sectors, Graham joined J & E Hall in 2004 becoming responsible for the Derby operaƟon in 2007. Graham joined the ExecuƟve Team in 2010 and now has the responsibility for both the PS (Product Sales) and RCP (Reman and Coulstock & Place) businesses.
Andy BirkeƩ - Director of Service Having worked for Iceland Foods for 12 years, iniƟally as Service Manger for the in - house service team and then as Head of RefrigeraƟon, Andy joined J & E Hall and the ExecuƟve Team in August 2023 as Director of Service - Applied RefrigeraƟon & Service.
Management Structure
Manuel Camacho - Technical Director Manuel joined J & E Hall from Costa Rica in 2005 as Systems Design Engineer. He became Systems Design Manager in 2008, Senior Manager of Central Engineering OperaƟons in 2011 and Director of Central Engineering in 2016. In 2017, Manuel became Technical Director and ambassador for J & E Hall.
Graham McDermoƩ - Director of Nuclear Contracts Graham joined J & E Hall in 2010 as Manager of the Special Packages department. He is now overseeing J & E Hall’s Nuclear ContracƟng team with responsibility for delivering the Hinckley Point project, securing the Sizewell C Contract and exploring other nuclear opportuniƟes.
Terry Young - Director ADC Terry started working for J & E Hall in January 1962. Over the years, Terry has spent Ɵme as a Draughtsman, a Project Controller for HallScrew Development, before becoming Business Development Manager in 1988. Terry joined the team of Directors in 1994.
EʛɿlʝɆȭɏ Inʤrʋȸeɢ Go to and click on member login to log onto the employee intranet. The intranet is a useful resource for employees for HSQE, HR, news and markeƟng material: è Updated literature è Internal news è External access to emails è Latest newsleƩer è J & E Hall network è Period calendar è Company presentaƟon è Company staƟonery è Engineers kit list
EʛɿlʝɆȭɏ E - SɓԦɡ These consist of:
J & E Hall Focus - employee and business informaƟon HR Focus - giving you regular updates from the HR team Focus on training - communicaƟng the ongoing training and development from across the business. Also details of monthly e - learning courses If you have any news we can publish in the J & E Hall Focus e - shot, please email markeƟ
Mʋʁȴeɢ Inʣiɳhɢ We are looking to collect informaƟon from all J & E Hall employees regarding customers, compeƟtors and market informaƟon that will be helpful in our decision making process. The more informaƟon we have, the beƩer our understanding will be of our markets and customers, enabling us to idenƟfy opportuniƟes to help our business planning.
If you have any informaƟon that you think would contribute please email it to markeƟ
Please note that informaƟon will only be received from a J & E Hall ID email address
Social Media
Cʝʛpʋʜɨ Soʎiɪɗ MeʏiɈ cʋɚ ȩɏ uȿeɍ ʖɚ ʏɔՔʑȾʑnɢ wʋyɡ ʋnɍ fʝɠ ʏɔՔʑȾʑnɢ Ⱦeasʝnɡ:
è As a networking tool
è To aid communicaƟon
è To promote the Company è To enhance J & E Hall’s reputaƟon online
Although we encourage employees to get involved with our social media acƟvity, we have a few guidelines to protect you and the Company from any misunderstanding. By following the social media guidelines we can improve the Company’s online presence and enhance our reputaƟon online. The Company’s full “Social Media Policy” and “Electronic CommunicaƟon’s Policy” is available on Cascade. Please send informaƟon you’d like to see on J & E Hall’s social media to markeƟ Remember, if we don’t know about it, we can’t promote it.
Ensure you read the Company’s Social Media Policy and Electronic CommunicaƟons Policy
Don’t publish Company confidenƟal material
Be truthful and get your facts right
Don’t speak on behalf of J & E Hall
Don’t use customer names without their consent. Some of our work is subject to non - disclosure agreements Don’t use a company email address to register a personal account on social media sites Don’t use a personal email address to set up a company profile page on social media sites
Think before you post - what you say could affect the Company’s reputaƟon
Ask if you’re not sure what you can and can’t post
Be respecƞul to others
Dʝɚ’ɢ fʝrȰeɢ tɛ fɼɸlʝɦ uɡ ʝɚ TʨɔԽʑɠ, FaȪɰboɼɖ ʋnɍ LʖɻȴeɍIɚ fʝɠ ʃȱɏ laɀesɢ cʝʛpʋʜɨ ȸʑwɡ ʋnɍ ʖnstɪɸlɡ.
Pay & Benefits
Shʝpʠʖnɒ Discʝʦntɡ We offer a shopping voucher scheme where employees can benefit from discounts across a wide range of products and services. To find out more visit salary extras. Trʋʖʜʖnɒ & Pʑrsʝnɪɗ DʑɃɰlʝʠȷʑnɢ You may need some training to develop in your role, this may be technical training, or training in soŌer skills such as people management or managing your Ɵme effecƟvely. Liȯɏ InʣʦrʋnȪɏ If enrolled in our pension scheme you will receive life insurance at 3x your annual salary. Please ensure your expression of wish form is completed on Cascade. Pʑnʣiʝɚ We have a flexible pension scheme that includes a generous contribuƟon from the Company, and the ability for you to contribute more or less depending on your circumstances. You will be automaƟcally enrolled into the scheme, operated by Scoƫsh Widows, at the start of your employment.
Hɼʙidʋɨ Enʤiʃȵʑȷʑnɢ We give enhanced holiday enƟtlement of 26 days holiday (27 days with over 5 years’ service) plus bank holidays. Part - Ɵme workers are enƟtled to the same amount of holiday (pro rata) as full Ɵme colleagues Vodafʝȸɏ AʏvʋntaȰɏ Sɭȱʑȷɏ You could get a percentage off your personal pay monthly plan with the Vodafone advantage scheme. For more informaƟon please visit the company intranet to see the latest discounts available. Glsə Discʝʦntɡ We can offer discounted gym membership to our employees. For more informaƟon please visit the company intranet to see the latest gym membership discounts available. Chʋʢiʤɨ Dʝnaʤiʝnɡ An employee can nominate one charity and we will donate £250 per financial quarter. Cʝʛpʋʜɨ Siɭɖ Pʋɨ We offer an enhanced sick pay scheme to all employees from the start of employment. More informaƟon about the sick pay scheme can be found within your contract of employment or on the company intranet.
Pay & Benefits
Yʝʦɠ Pʋyʂʙʖɞ Eʩɿlʋʖȸeɍ To access your payslip, log on to the Cascade system . Select ‘My Record’ located on the leŌ hand side of the screen. Then select ‘Payslips’ from the drop down menu. FȾȭɏ EɆɏ Tesɢ Everyone’s enƟtled to a free eye test through Specsavers and based on your role within the Company you may also be enƟtled to a discount on any glasses EʛɿlʝɆȭɏ AsʣistʋnȪɏ Proʔrʋʛȷɏ Your 24/7 confidenƟal support service offers pracƟcal guidance online and over the phone on everyday maƩers as well as being available for informaƟon and support with more serious problems too. you may need. Please contact for a voucher
Bʢiɳhɢ Iȫeaɡ Sɭȱʑȷɏ We would like to give everyone the op- portunity of further parƟcipaƟon in the business by encouraging you to submit worthwhile suggesƟons. BʑȾeʋɃʑȷʑnɢ Cʝʦnȿɰɸʙʖnɒ SʑʢʧiȪɏ The Bereavement Counselling Service is available to members’ immediate families in the event of the death of a member, or to the member if they suffer a bereavement.
EʛɿlʝɆȭɏ Reȯʑʢrɪɗ Sɭȱʑȷɏ Earn £1000 if you refer a family member, friend or even former
colleague for one of our vacancies and they get the job! The employee referral form can be found on Cascade within the documents secƟon.
1) Baʣiɋ Tʑʢmɡ Your contractual terms and condiƟons of employment should be read in conjuncƟon with this employee handbook as well as the following (in no parƟcular order of precedence or hierarchy); a) Company’s Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental at Work Policies, Procedures and arrangements b) Company Policies and Procedures c) Other related Employment Statutes Copies of all these documents can be obtained from Cascade, J & E Hall secure area and the HSQE web based portal (EffecƟve SoŌware). 2) Eʡuɪʙiʤɨ The Company is commiƩed to eliminaƟng discriminaƟon amongst our workforce. Our objecƟve is to create a working environment in which there is no unlawful discriminaƟon based on any protected characterisƟcs being race, religion or belief system, sex, age, sexual orientaƟon, gender - reassignment, disability, being married or in a civil partnership or being pregnant or on maternity leave. All decisions made are based on merit. Please review the full Equality Policy for further guidance. 3) Pʋlsȷʑnɢ Է SɪlʋʢȲeɡ In accordance with your wriƩen contract of employment with the Company, salaries are paid monthly on or around the 16th day of each month and includes payment for the complete month. In certain job roles details of hours worked, allowances, stand by, call out and expenses claimed are recorded on a day to day basis on Ɵmesheets provided by the Company. It is an offence for any employee to record another person’s Ɵme or falsify their Ɵmesheet and where such an offence is commiƩed the individual will be subject to the disciplinary procedure (please refer to the specific disciplinary policy). An employee’s salary and deducƟons will be itemised on the pay slip which will be available via Cascade on the monthly pay date. Payment of salary will be by paid by BACs transfer into your nominated Bank or Building Society Account. Should you wish to change your bank details at any Ɵme during your employment you can do so through the Cascade self - service system. 4) Hʝʦrɡ Է wʝʁɖ The working week is Monday to Friday and the hours of work applicable to employees are outlined in your contract of employment. 5) Fȵʑʩɵɬȵɏ Wʝʁʘʖnɒ Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee’s needs, e.g. having flexible start and finish Ɵmes, or working from home. To apply for flexible working; a) The employee must complete the ApplicaƟon for Flexible Working (found on Cascade as part of the Flexible Working Policy) outlining that they are making a statutory request as well as explaining how they wish to alter their hours of work. b) The Company will then consider the request and make a decision within two months (or longer if agreed).
c) If the Company agrees the request, the change will be trialled or permanently agreed by changing the contract of employment. d) If the Company cannot facilitate the request, it will be refused, and reasons will be outlined to you. Should you be dissaƟsfied with the decision, you may appeal the decision. Employees are enƟtled to make two applicaƟons for flexible working within a rolling twelve - month period. 6) Hʝȷɏ ʝɠ Hʉʍʢiɍ Wʝʁʘʖnɒ Home or hybrid working is a way of working that allows flexibility for both the employer and employee without a contractual change. This could include arrangements under which your home would be your main place of work throughout your working week or arrangements which could involve you working from home for part of your working hours, for at least some of the week/month. As a company, we are supporƟve of such arrangements where these are appropriate and compaƟble with business needs. For more detailed informaƟon please refer to the Home and hybrid working policy available on cascade. 7) AbȿʑnȪɏ You should familiarise yourself with the full Absence Management Policy so that you know what is expected of you if you become ill or injured. In all instances absences must be recorded on Cascade by your Line Manager. a) Statutory Sick Pay a) Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will normally be paid together with any Company Sickness Benefits (where applicable) but idenƟfied separately on payslips. b) The rate at which SSP is paid is outlined on and is reviewed annually. c) SSP will only be paid if employees follow the noƟficaƟon and cerƟficaƟon procedures as outlined in the Absence Management Policy . d) There can be no enƟtlement to SSP unless an employee has been absent for 4 or more consecuƟve days of which, the first 3 qualifying days, will be regarded as ‘WaiƟng Days’. Payment of SSP will commence on the fourth qualifying day of sickness. e) Monday to Friday will be deemed as “qualifying days”. Payment of SSP will be at the rate of one fiŌh of an employee’s weekly enƟtlement under the rate set out by the government. Please note under SSP rules the Company is obliged to deduct Income Tax and NaƟonal Insurance from SSP due. f) Two or more periods of absence (all consisƟng of 4 or more consecuƟve days) “link” if they occur within 8 weeks (56 days) of each other. These are considered as one period for the purpose of calculaƟng the SSP due. If an employee has already served waiƟng days during a first, linked, period of sickness, SSP will be payable from the first day of sickness in the subsequent linked period of sickness. SSP rules require the Company to pay a maximum of 28 weeks SSP in any single period of absence or series of linked absences for each eligible employee. g) Under the rules relaƟng to payment of SSP there are certain categories of employees for whom the Company may not pay SSP. These exclusions are as follows: (i) The employee is pregnant and within 4 weeks of the birth of their baby. (ii) The employee has claimed certain other State Benefits within the previous 56 days.
(iii) The employee has already received 28 weeks’ worth of SSP from the Company or their previous employer. (iv) The employee’s average weekly earnings over the past 8 weeks are less than the lower earnings limit.
h) Similarly for employees who are in receipt of SSP but for one of the above reasons the Company cannot conƟnue to pay SSP, the employee will be issued with an SSP1 showing the reason why. This form should be taken to the employee’s local job centre plus office to claim further benefits. b) Company Sick Pay In the event that an employee is absent from work due to personal illness or injury, provided the procedures outlined in the Absence Management Policy have been followed, payment of Company Sick Pay will be made as per the details in your contract of employment. Any previous absence due to illness or injury during the immediate twelve months (52 weeks) preceding the first day of the current period of absence will be taken into account when calculaƟng enƟtlement to payment. The Company records relaƟng to absence will be regarded as conclusive. At the end of the period of paid sickness set out in your contract, salary payment will cease without further noƟficaƟon. Once Company Sick Pay enƟtlement ceases you will conƟnue, where eligible, to receive payment of SSP (for up to 28 weeks sickness in total). Payment of salary will be made, subject to the deducƟon by the Company of the equivalent amount of Statutory Sickness Payment which may be payable. c) Unpaid Leave The consent of the Supervisor/Line Manager must be obtained prior to absence from work for any reason other than personal illness or injury. Unpaid leave, may be authorised according to circumstances solely at the Manager’s discreƟon and will be recorded by HR via Cascade. d) Compassionate Leave If a death or a serious illness occurs to a close family member, (defined as grandparent, parent, partner, sibling or child) employees will be allowed Ɵme off appropriate to the circumstances of each case. Employees requesƟng Ɵme off for this purpose will be granted up to three days compassionate leave and a day to aƩend the funeral. The employee should inform their Supervisor/ Manager who will in turn inform HR. Management discreƟon should be used in cases of the request for Ɵme off outside the definiƟon of a ‘close family member’. e) Unauthorised Absence In the event that an employee is absent from work, other than for reasons of cerƟfied sickness or with the prior approval of management, then this absence will be regarded as unauthorised and render the employee liable to disciplinary acƟon. 8) Hɼʙidʋɨ EnƟtlement to annual holiday is 26 days paid holiday (plus naƟonal bank holidays) in any holiday year. Upon achievement of 5 years’ conƟnuous service, employees will be awarded one extra day of annual leave making their total 27 days. New employees during their first year of employment will have a holiday enƟtlement pro - rata to the 26 days’ annual holiday, (less any fixed holidays agreed) for each completed week of service up to 31st December in any year. For part Ɵme employees, your annual leave and bank holiday enƟtlement will be pro - rata based on the number of days worked in a working week.
The holiday year runs from January to December. Any holiday leŌ within your enƟtlement as of 31 December, up to a maximum of 5 days, will transfer automaƟcally into the next holiday year on Cascade. For part Ɵme employees, the maximum days allowed to be carried over depends on your working days per week as below:
Employee working days per week Maximum carry over days per year
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
In order to facilitate certain site shut down periods some operaƟons have fixed holidays agreed throughout the year and you will be advised of these local agreements. For example, the Company operates a Christmas shut down period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. As is Company policy, you will be required to allocate part of your allowance to this period if there is no customer requirement for you to work. Exact days will be confirmed each January on an annual basis. Annual holidays must be taken at such Ɵmes as are convenient to the running of the business and must be agreed with the Supervisor/ Manager beforehand and booked through Cascade in order to adequately allocate and organise work to minimise disrupƟon to the operaƟon. Please speak to your Line Manager for any local agreements. All holiday must be authorised through Cascade by your Line Manager, otherwise this will be deemed as Unpaid Unauthorised Absence. It is not sufficient to telephone in the morning to request that day as annual leave, nor to ask for half a day on the morning of the day the holiday is required. The Company generally accepts the following noƟce periods; Upon terminaƟon of employment employees will have any outstanding accrued holiday enƟtlement paid to them based on the holiday year 1st January to 31st December. However, should an employee have taken paid holidays in excess of this enƟtlement any difference will be deducted from their final pay. 9) Jʦʢɨ SʑʢʧiȪɏ If you are required to undertake Jury Service, the Company will allow paid Ɵme off. Employees must noƟfy HR and their Supervisor/Manager as soon as they receive details of the dates they will be required to aƩend. The Company will only pay your basic pay rate; any addiƟonal loss of earnings must be reclaimed through the courts directly. 10) SʑɃʑȾɏ Weaʃȱʑɠ Whilst we are commiƩed to protecƟng the safety of all our employees, we must ensure that disrupƟon caused to our business remains minimal. All employees are expected to use every effort to report for work at their normal workplace at their recognised start Ɵme, however, it is not the Company’s intenƟon that employees put themselves at unnecessary risk when trying to aƩend work. If you expect to be late or cannot safely reach work due to severe weather you must telephone your Line Manager/Supervisor before your normal start Ɵme. You must telephone them subsequently on each and every day that you are unable to get to work, again before your normal start Ɵme. Failure to noƟfy that you are unable to aƩend work without a reasonable explanaƟon will be recorded as unauthorised absence. One day (or less) One week One / two weeks One month Over two weeks Prior authorisaƟon from Line Manager, Business Unit Director and HR required
If you are unable to aƩend your normal workplace due to severe weather condiƟons, with your Manager’s authorisaƟon, you may be able to work from home or, where pracƟcable to work from another Company locaƟon. If you do arrive late due to the severe weather you will not normally be expected to make up the lost Ɵme. However, when prior knowledge exists of severe weather you should plan extra Ɵme to commute. If you are unable to return to work following annual leave due to severe weather, you must make contact with your Line Manager before your expected return from leave (in so far as is reasonably pracƟcable) explaining the circumstances and when your likely return will be. If you wish to leave your workplace early because the weather is becoming worse and you wish to get home before it possibly becomes too bad to travel, you must discuss this with your Line Manager. Your Line Manager will decide on a case - by - case basis whether it is appropriate for you to be released from work early. When making this decision your Line Manager will take account of the employee’s circumstances, i.e. distance from work to home, mode of transport, and any physical impairment which may present addiƟonal barriers. The Company will decide on a site - by - site basis whether to close your normal place of work early due to the worsening weather condiƟons. If your child’s school or nursery has closed due to severe weather and this impacts on your ability to come to work, you may, as an emergency measure take the Ɵme as Annual Leave or as authorised unpaid absence. Where it is suspected that an individual is using severe weather condiƟons as an excuse not to aƩend work, the Company will take acƟon under the Disciplinary Policy . ʭ1) Fʋʛɵʙɨ LeʋɃɏ Employees requesƟng AdopƟon, Maternity, Paternity and/or Shared Parental Leave and enƟtlements should noƟfy HR at the earliest opportunity, please review the full Family Leave Policy for procedures and enƟtlements that currently apply. 12) Pʑnʣiʝɚ On joining the Company, you will be automaƟcally enrolled in the pension scheme under government iniƟaƟve ‘auto - enrolment’. Should you wish to opt out of the scheme you must noƟfy HR upon receiving the joining pack from our pension provider. 13) Prɼbaʤiʝnʋʢɨ Pʑʢioɍ All employees will be subject to the compleƟon of a saƟsfactory six month probaƟonary period. Should an employee fail to saƟsfy the requirements of the post during the probaƟonary period then the Company will, dependent upon the circumstances, decide whether to extend the probaƟonary period or to terminate the employment contract immediately without recourse to the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure. 14) Disʎʖɿʙʖnʋʢɨ ProȪeʏʦȾɏ The Company expects all employees to maintain certain standards of professional behaviour and conduct at all Ɵmes. This includes behaviour and conduct during or outside business hours on Social Media, at social or public events organised by the Company or at which the Company is represented. The disciplinary procedure’s purpose is to ensure fair, consistent and effecƟve treatment of any employee who may be subject to disciplinary acƟon. The disciplinary procedure covers all permanent and fixed - term employees and for probaƟonary employees the statutory disciplinary procedure will apply. For further details please review a full copy of the Disciplinary Policy .
15) GʢȲʑvʋnȪɏ ProȪeʏʦȾɏ The Company recognises the importance of maintaining good working relaƟonships, and encourages open and honest communicaƟon to ensure a working environment in which problems can be discussed and easily resolved at an early stage. All employees have the right to seek redress for any grievance relaƟng to their employment. In this respect, the Company’s grievance procedure outlines how employees should raise grievances and issues of an individual nature. The grievance procedure covers all permanent and fixed - term employees. A modified grievance procedure will be followed when an employee has already leŌ the Company and where the Company was unaware of the grievance before the employee leŌ, or the procedure had not been insƟgated or completed before the employee’s employment ended. Both the employee and the Company must agree in wriƟng to use the modified procedure. For further details please review a full copy of the Grievance Policy . 16) Eȵecʤrʝʜiɋ Cʝmʛʦʜicaʤiʝɚ ʋnɍ Soʎiɪɗ MeʏiɈ Employees should make themselves familiar with both the Electronic CommunicaƟon & Social Media Policy . These policies outline your obligaƟons as a representaƟve of the Company when using these types of communicaƟon and Social Media plaƞorms. 17) DȾesɡ Coȫɏ The Company recognises that, like most companies, all employees act as representaƟves of the Company and should therefore dress accordingly. For this reason, you are asked to be aware of presentaƟon of yourself and to adhere to the dress code at all Ɵmes when represenƟng the Company (in conjuncƟon with Health and Safety regulaƟons). Please refer to the Dress Code Policy for guidance on what is deemed as an appropriate work wear. 18) Heɪlʃɓ & Saȯeʤɨ In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Company has Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements which must be adhered to (copies may be obtained from the J & E Hall Secure Area). 19) Rʑpɛԯʖnɒ Է Acʎiȫʑntɡ Employees who are involved in an accident, as well as ‘near misses’, on the premises of the Company or its customers or whilst travelling on Company business, must noƟfy their Supervisor or Line Manager as soon as possible in order that the incident may be officially recorded. Please refer to the Accident ReporƟng Procedure . 20) Fʖrsɢ Aiȫʑrɡ A responsible person / qualified First Aider(s) will be appointed at each Company locaƟon. Local risk assessments will confirm site arrangements. Please refer to the Health & Safety At Work Policy. 21) FʖȾɏ Mʋrʂhɪlɡ A fire risk assessment complying with the regulaƟve reform fire safety order will be generated for each Company locaƟon. Arrangements for the prevenƟon of fire and safe evacuaƟon of employees and visitors will be confirmed at each site. Please refer to the Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements .
ʮ2) Eʩȼʑnȿeɡ Employees may be required to undertake travel on the Company’s business, or entertain customers and guests. Employees will be reimbursed for any authorised out of pocket expenses. Expense claims should be submiƩed within a month of the expense, with the relevant VAT receipts for approval by your Line Manager. Employees should also make themselves familiar with the full Expenses Policy . 23) OɃʑrȿeaɡ TrʋɃɰɗ Before considering any overseas travel, prior authorisaƟon should be given by your Line Manager and in accordance with the Company levels of authority and in line with the Overseas Travel Policy . When travelling abroad, the Travel Assistance insurance covers all employees for all emergency assistance including: • Medical support • Emergency message relay to family and business associates • Lost Ɵcket & baggage locaƟon • Legal referral – to an Embassy or Consulate The Company cannot accept liability for personal property leŌ on the premises of the Company or its customers, at any Ɵme. Nor can the Company accept liability in respect of Company and private vehicles or any of their contents (excluding Company issued tools and equipment) at any Ɵme. The Company will also not accept liability in regards to employees loaning items amongst each other. Employees should, therefore, take every precauƟon to safeguard their belongings and not leave money or valuables unaƩended. 25) Riɳhɢ Է Seʋrɭɓ The Company reserves the right to search employees and any property the employees may have in their possession, or under their control. This includes any vehicle under their ownership or have been a passenger in at any Ɵme whilst the employees are on the Company’s premises and, in parƟcular, when entering or leaving the Company’s premises. The search will always be conducted in the All employees acknowledge that, the Company will be the owner all Intellectual Property you make in the course of your employment. To confirm this ownership, it is a condiƟon of your employment that you assign to the Company your enƟre right, Ɵtle and interest in the United Kingdom, Europe and throughout the world, in and to any such Intellectual Property, as well as your enƟre right, Ɵtle and interest in and to any patent applicaƟons which may be filed with respect to such Intellectual Property including any and all divisional applicaƟons, and any and all patents which may issue or be re - issued for such Intellectual Property. 27) Eʡʦʖʠȷʑnɢ Employees will be held responsible and accountable for any loss or damage of all equipment (tools, vehicles, mobile phones, laptops etc.) commiƩed to their care. Upon terminaƟon of employment all equipment which is the property of the Company must be returned to the employee’s immediate Supervisor/Manager. The Company reserves the right to charge an employee for any loss or damage of equipment. presence of a third party. 26) IʜɃʑnʤiʝnɡ Full details are available on Cascade. 24) Pʑrsʝnɪɗ Prʝȼɏԯɨ
28) Oʃȱʑɠ Eʛɿlʝlsȷʑnɢ Unless prevented by ill health, you must devote your whole Ɵme and aƩenƟon, during business hours, to the acƟviƟes of the Company and during the conƟnuance of your employment you will not undertake addiƟonal employment or engage in other business interests except with the prior consent of the Managing Director or HR. 29) Rɰlaʤiʝnʂʕʖpɡ aɢ Wʝʁɖ Personal relaƟonships do, at Ɵmes, overlap with working relaƟonships, and to ensure that individuals do not become involved in situaƟons where a conflict of interest may arise or where they may become vulnerable to accusaƟons of bias or prejudice, we ask that you declare any personal relaƟonships to HR. We may need to review the exisƟng reporƟng structure or operaƟonal requirements with regard to audit or finance requirements and take any appropriate measures. In extreme cases we may need to explore the possibility of one party being moved to a different area of work or locaƟon. Please refer to the Business Code of Conduct & Corporate Ethics policy for full guidance. 30) DisɭloʣʦȾɏ Է Infʝʢmaʤiʝɚ Except in the proper course of duty in line with Company levels of authority an employee, either during or aŌer the period of employment, shall not divulge or cause to be published or disclose any confidenƟal or secret informaƟon in the possession of the employee concerning the business, its finances of the Company, parent or subsidiary including its associates or customers of the Company. With the exclusion of customer facing or markeƟng documentaƟon, employees are reminded that the distribuƟon of Company documents is prohibited and any breach of this requirement, may result in disciplinary and/or legal acƟon. 31) Lʝnɒ SʑʢʧiȪɏ The Employer values long service by making awards to employees who have completed 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years’ conƟnuous service with the Employer. 32) Reʎʢʦiʤȷʑnɢ Should you wish to recruit, please refer to the Recruitment Policy & Process for full guidance on recruiƟng and the Recruitment Referral Scheme. ʯ3) ReȯʑȾʑnȪeɡ All reference requests for exisƟng or past employees must be directed to for processing, and a standard reference will be issued. Requests for telephone or verbal references should be rejected to minimise the risk of misinterpretaƟon. If you receive a verbal request please redirect them to request the reference via email from . If you are asked to provide a reference in a personal capacity (e.g. as a friend) you must make it clear that it is a personal reference and not under any circumstances use headed paper or respond from a company email address. No liability will aƩach to J & E Hall if you decide to act in a personal capacity as a personal referee. Reference requests from banks, building socieƟes or other potenƟal lenders should be directed to HR for response, as with employment references.
34) Smɼʘʖnɒ & Vʋʠʖnɒ All our employees have the right to work in a smoke/vape free environment. Both during and outside normal working hours smoking and vaping is prohibited in all enclosed and substanƟally enclosed premises in the workplace, including work vehicles. A work vehicle is defined as a vehicle supplied by the Company. Appropriate “No - Smoking” signs are clearly displayed at all entrances into our premises and in all “work” vehicles. There are designated smoking and vaping areas at each office locaƟon where you are able to smoke/vape, you must only smoke/ vape in these designated areas and nowhere else whilst on Company premises. The charging of Vaping equipment is prohibited in all Company locaƟons and vehicles. Employees who do not comply with this Policy will be subject to the exisƟng Disciplinary Procedure. Furthermore, those who do not comply with the smoke free law may also be liable to a fixed penalty fine and possible criminal prosecuƟon. 35) Dʢugɡ & Alcɼhɼɗ Alcoholic beverages may neither be brought on to nor consumed upon the Company’s or its customers’ premises except on special business occasions where authorisaƟon of a Director or Senior Manager has been given. All employees should also make themselves aware of the Drugs and Alcohol Policy . 36) Gʋɺɬʙʖnɒ Beƫng and gambling is forbidden on the Company’s or customers’ premises, online or on working sites. Employees should make themselves familiar with the Electronic CommunicaƟon & Social Media Policy . 37) Pʢʖvaɀɏ Traʏʖnɒ No sale of goods or private trading of any descripƟon are allowed on the Company’s premises or working sites. Employees should make themselves familiar with the Electronic CommunicaƟon & Social Media Policy . 38) Anʤɔ - Bʢɵȩʑʢɨ & Anʤɔ - Cʝrʢʦpʤiʝɚ It is the Company’s policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero - tolerance approach to bribery and corrupƟon and are commiƩed to acƟng fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relaƟonships wherever we operate. We are also commiƩed to implemenƟng and enforcing effecƟve systems to counter bribery. All employees should also make themselves aware of the AnƟ - Bribery and AnƟ - CorrupƟon Policy . 39) DatɈ Pɠԩecʤiʝɚ In order to saƟsfy contractual and operaƟonal commitments to its employees it is essenƟal that the Company maintains accurate and up to date personnel records. Employees are required to update their Cascade record with any change in their personal circumstances relevant to their employment for example a change of name, address, next of kin, marital status etc. The Company holds personal informaƟon of all employees in its filing systems, including computerised records. Under the terms of the Data ProtecƟon Act all employees are enƟtled to ask to be supplied with a copy of the data held on themselves. The procedure to be adopted is described in our GDPR Policy and Procedures. To assist the Company in compliance with their legal obligaƟons all employees who hold a sponsored visa must sign in and out, on arrival and departure each day, at their main place of work.
40) Viʣitʝrɡ Visitors not employed by the Company are not permiƩed to enter any part of the Company’s premises or working sites other than a recepƟon area or Security Office at any Ɵme without prior permission of Management. The host is responsible for the Health and Safety of all visitors on site. All Visitors must register/complete the Visitor’s book on arrival. If the Visitor is not from the European Union, the country of origin must also be recorded. 41) Tʑʢʛʖnaʤiʝɚ Է Eʛɿlʝlsȷʑnɢ Your noƟce of employment that you are required to give the Company, as well as the Company’s obligaƟon to you as their employee is outlined in your contract of employment. This may change due to job role and length of service. Should your employment end for any reason, certain payments or deducƟons may be made, the TerminaƟon of Employment Policy covers provisions relaƟng to; a) ReƟrement Since the aboliƟon of the statutory reƟrement age, this should be treated as any other resignaƟon. b) Redundancy Statutory rates apply as outlined by the government, as well as a cap on the maximum weekly pay. c) Garden Leave & Pay in lieu of noƟce The Company reserves the right to place an employee on Garden Leave or pay any noƟce to them in lieu, should it suit the needs of the business. Please refer to the TerminaƟon of Employment Policy for further details on these clauses. 42) Vɰʕiɭȵeɡ The Company has an established vehicle policy that has been put in place by HR and the Management Team. The policy refers to the use of Company vehicles and hire vehicles and expectaƟons of both the employer and employee on the use of the vehicle and other maƩers such as insurance and accident reporƟng. a) Hire Vehicles From Ɵme to Ɵme, you may need to hire a vehicle for work travel. You can hire a vehicle by contacƟng SG Fleet directly if you currently have a Company Vehicle or HR can arrange this for you if you do not have a Company Vehicle. Please note, you are advised to bring with you a copy of the insurance document during the lease of the vehicle. You can find a copy of the Company insurance document on Cascade. Remember to check your vehicle before and aŌer your hire to ensure that no damaged has been caused. Also, remember to fill the petrol/diesel tank up prior to returning the car as the Company will be charged a premium rate to refuel. The Company reserves the right to recharge the employee directly for the difference between the current fuel pump rate and the chargeable amount by the hire Company. Any malicious damaged caused, parking charges, congesƟon or tolls, fuel not refilled or any other addiƟonal cost outside of the hire that has to be met by the Company, we (the Company) reserve the right to deduct this from your salary. Please refer to the full Vehicle Policy for further details.
43) Eʦrʝȼeʋɚ Wʝʁkɡ Cʝʦnʎɵɗ The Company is part of the European Works Council (EWC) in associaƟon with Daikin UK. EWC meeƟngs are held to provide an update on the business. Daikin hold an EWC meeƟng periodically and are aƩended by an elected employee. In the event the elected employee is unable to aƩend the event, the Company will hold a vote to elect a deputy. All employees will be contacted by HR in this instance and will advise on how you can nominate yourself for this role. Please note, travel throughout Europe will be required to aƩend the EWC meeƟngs. ʰ4) Wʕisʃȵɰɬlʝʨʖnɒ The Company’s aim of the Whistleblowing policy is to encourage employees to raise any genuine concerns they might have about certain wrongdoings within the Company without fear of reprisal, to provide you with guidance on how to raise those concerns and to enable the Company to invesƟgate such concerns and deal with them appropriately. For more details, please review the full Whistleblowing Policy. 45) Moȫʑʢɚ SlʋɃʑʢɨ The Modern Slavery policy supports the Company’s commitment to limiƟng the risk of modern slavery occurring within our own business or infiltraƟng our supply chains or any other business relaƟonship. The policy applies to all employees working for, or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees, directors, officers, agency workers, contractors, consultants, volunteers and any other third party representaƟve. We expect all who have, or seek to have a business relaƟonship with the Company, to familiarise themselves with this policy and to
act at all Ɵmes in a way that is consistent with the Company’s values. For more informaƟon, please refer to the Modern Slavery Policy.
Useful Resources
Cʝʛpʋʜɨ Vɰʕiɭȵeɡ
If you have a company vehicle, then your contact for any fleet queries; including maintenance, accidents, fuel cards, trackers or just general quesƟons, is: SGFleet our Fleet Provider contact them at or 0344 854 5103 .
Cascade is our online HR system where you can book your holidays, view your employee record and access HR documents. From the homepage you will be able to see your holiday requests, task list, Company vacancies and sickness record. You can also view personal data such as your next of kin, payslip, bank details and home address. Go to hƩps:// You should already have your password to access Cascade, but if you have any issues please contact
Scoƫsh Widows is our pension provider. Scoƫsh Widows can be contacted on 0800 032 1260 or by logging onto the website below using your username and password. Shortcut to the link is also available on the front page of Cascade. hƩps://www.scoƫ
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