New employee handbook April 2024
EʛɿlʝɆȭɏ Inʤrʋȸeɢ Go to and click on member login to log onto the employee intranet. The intranet is a useful resource for employees for HSQE, HR, news and markeƟng material: è Updated literature è Internal news è External access to emails è Latest newsleƩer è J & E Hall network è Period calendar è Company presentaƟon è Company staƟonery è Engineers kit list
EʛɿlʝɆȭɏ E - SɓԦɡ These consist of:
J & E Hall Focus - employee and business informaƟon HR Focus - giving you regular updates from the HR team Focus on training - communicaƟng the ongoing training and development from across the business. Also details of monthly e - learning courses If you have any news we can publish in the J & E Hall Focus e - shot, please email markeƟ
Mʋʁȴeɢ Inʣiɳhɢ We are looking to collect informaƟon from all J & E Hall employees regarding customers, compeƟtors and market informaƟon that will be helpful in our decision making process. The more informaƟon we have, the beƩer our understanding will be of our markets and customers, enabling us to idenƟfy opportuniƟes to help our business planning.
If you have any informaƟon that you think would contribute please email it to markeƟ
Please note that informaƟon will only be received from a J & E Hall ID email address
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