New employee handbook April 2024
Social Media
Cʝʛpʋʜɨ Soʎiɪɗ MeʏiɈ cʋɚ ȩɏ uȿeɍ ʖɚ ʏɔՔʑȾʑnɢ wʋyɡ ʋnɍ fʝɠ ʏɔՔʑȾʑnɢ Ⱦeasʝnɡ:
è As a networking tool
è To aid communicaƟon
è To promote the Company è To enhance J & E Hall’s reputaƟon online
Although we encourage employees to get involved with our social media acƟvity, we have a few guidelines to protect you and the Company from any misunderstanding. By following the social media guidelines we can improve the Company’s online presence and enhance our reputaƟon online. The Company’s full “Social Media Policy” and “Electronic CommunicaƟon’s Policy” is available on Cascade. Please send informaƟon you’d like to see on J & E Hall’s social media to markeƟ Remember, if we don’t know about it, we can’t promote it.
Ensure you read the Company’s Social Media Policy and Electronic CommunicaƟons Policy
Don’t publish Company confidenƟal material
Be truthful and get your facts right
Don’t speak on behalf of J & E Hall
Don’t use customer names without their consent. Some of our work is subject to non - disclosure agreements Don’t use a company email address to register a personal account on social media sites Don’t use a personal email address to set up a company profile page on social media sites
Think before you post - what you say could affect the Company’s reputaƟon
Ask if you’re not sure what you can and can’t post
Be respecƞul to others
Dʝɚ’ɢ fʝrȰeɢ tɛ fɼɸlʝɦ uɡ ʝɚ TʨɔԽʑɠ, FaȪɰboɼɖ ʋnɍ LʖɻȴeɍIɚ fʝɠ ʃȱɏ laɀesɢ cʝʛpʋʜɨ ȸʑwɡ ʋnɍ ʖnstɪɸlɡ.
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