New employee handbook April 2024


The holiday year runs from January to December. Any holiday leŌ within your enƟtlement as of 31 December, up to a maximum of 5 days, will transfer automaƟcally into the next holiday year on Cascade. For part Ɵme employees, the maximum days allowed to be carried over depends on your working days per week as below:

Employee working days per week Maximum carry over days per year

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

In order to facilitate certain site shut down periods some operaƟons have fixed holidays agreed throughout the year and you will be advised of these local agreements. For example, the Company operates a Christmas shut down period between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. As is Company policy, you will be required to allocate part of your allowance to this period if there is no customer requirement for you to work. Exact days will be confirmed each January on an annual basis. Annual holidays must be taken at such Ɵmes as are convenient to the running of the business and must be agreed with the Supervisor/ Manager beforehand and booked through Cascade in order to adequately allocate and organise work to minimise disrupƟon to the operaƟon. Please speak to your Line Manager for any local agreements. All holiday must be authorised through Cascade by your Line Manager, otherwise this will be deemed as Unpaid Unauthorised Absence. It is not sufficient to telephone in the morning to request that day as annual leave, nor to ask for half a day on the morning of the day the holiday is required. The Company generally accepts the following noƟce periods; Upon terminaƟon of employment employees will have any outstanding accrued holiday enƟtlement paid to them based on the holiday year 1st January to 31st December. However, should an employee have taken paid holidays in excess of this enƟtlement any difference will be deducted from their final pay. 9) Jʦʢɨ SʑʢʧiȪɏ If you are required to undertake Jury Service, the Company will allow paid Ɵme off. Employees must noƟfy HR and their Supervisor/Manager as soon as they receive details of the dates they will be required to aƩend. The Company will only pay your basic pay rate; any addiƟonal loss of earnings must be reclaimed through the courts directly. 10) SʑɃʑȾɏ Weaʃȱʑɠ Whilst we are commiƩed to protecƟng the safety of all our employees, we must ensure that disrupƟon caused to our business remains minimal. All employees are expected to use every effort to report for work at their normal workplace at their recognised start Ɵme, however, it is not the Company’s intenƟon that employees put themselves at unnecessary risk when trying to aƩend work. If you expect to be late or cannot safely reach work due to severe weather you must telephone your Line Manager/Supervisor before your normal start Ɵme. You must telephone them subsequently on each and every day that you are unable to get to work, again before your normal start Ɵme. Failure to noƟfy that you are unable to aƩend work without a reasonable explanaƟon will be recorded as unauthorised absence. One day (or less) One week One / two weeks One month Over two weeks Prior authorisaƟon from Line Manager, Business Unit Director and HR required


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