New employee handbook April 2024
15) GʢȲʑvʋnȪɏ ProȪeʏʦȾɏ The Company recognises the importance of maintaining good working relaƟonships, and encourages open and honest communicaƟon to ensure a working environment in which problems can be discussed and easily resolved at an early stage. All employees have the right to seek redress for any grievance relaƟng to their employment. In this respect, the Company’s grievance procedure outlines how employees should raise grievances and issues of an individual nature. The grievance procedure covers all permanent and fixed - term employees. A modified grievance procedure will be followed when an employee has already leŌ the Company and where the Company was unaware of the grievance before the employee leŌ, or the procedure had not been insƟgated or completed before the employee’s employment ended. Both the employee and the Company must agree in wriƟng to use the modified procedure. For further details please review a full copy of the Grievance Policy . 16) Eȵecʤrʝʜiɋ Cʝmʛʦʜicaʤiʝɚ ʋnɍ Soʎiɪɗ MeʏiɈ Employees should make themselves familiar with both the Electronic CommunicaƟon & Social Media Policy . These policies outline your obligaƟons as a representaƟve of the Company when using these types of communicaƟon and Social Media plaƞorms. 17) DȾesɡ Coȫɏ The Company recognises that, like most companies, all employees act as representaƟves of the Company and should therefore dress accordingly. For this reason, you are asked to be aware of presentaƟon of yourself and to adhere to the dress code at all Ɵmes when represenƟng the Company (in conjuncƟon with Health and Safety regulaƟons). Please refer to the Dress Code Policy for guidance on what is deemed as an appropriate work wear. 18) Heɪlʃɓ & Saȯeʤɨ In accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act, the Company has Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements which must be adhered to (copies may be obtained from the J & E Hall Secure Area). 19) Rʑpɛԯʖnɒ Է Acʎiȫʑntɡ Employees who are involved in an accident, as well as ‘near misses’, on the premises of the Company or its customers or whilst travelling on Company business, must noƟfy their Supervisor or Line Manager as soon as possible in order that the incident may be officially recorded. Please refer to the Accident ReporƟng Procedure . 20) Fʖrsɢ Aiȫʑrɡ A responsible person / qualified First Aider(s) will be appointed at each Company locaƟon. Local risk assessments will confirm site arrangements. Please refer to the Health & Safety At Work Policy. 21) FʖȾɏ Mʋrʂhɪlɡ A fire risk assessment complying with the regulaƟve reform fire safety order will be generated for each Company locaƟon. Arrangements for the prevenƟon of fire and safe evacuaƟon of employees and visitors will be confirmed at each site. Please refer to the Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements .
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