New employee handbook April 2024
ʮ2) Eʩȼʑnȿeɡ Employees may be required to undertake travel on the Company’s business, or entertain customers and guests. Employees will be reimbursed for any authorised out of pocket expenses. Expense claims should be submiƩed within a month of the expense, with the relevant VAT receipts for approval by your Line Manager. Employees should also make themselves familiar with the full Expenses Policy . 23) OɃʑrȿeaɡ TrʋɃɰɗ Before considering any overseas travel, prior authorisaƟon should be given by your Line Manager and in accordance with the Company levels of authority and in line with the Overseas Travel Policy . When travelling abroad, the Travel Assistance insurance covers all employees for all emergency assistance including: • Medical support • Emergency message relay to family and business associates • Lost Ɵcket & baggage locaƟon • Legal referral – to an Embassy or Consulate The Company cannot accept liability for personal property leŌ on the premises of the Company or its customers, at any Ɵme. Nor can the Company accept liability in respect of Company and private vehicles or any of their contents (excluding Company issued tools and equipment) at any Ɵme. The Company will also not accept liability in regards to employees loaning items amongst each other. Employees should, therefore, take every precauƟon to safeguard their belongings and not leave money or valuables unaƩended. 25) Riɳhɢ Է Seʋrɭɓ The Company reserves the right to search employees and any property the employees may have in their possession, or under their control. This includes any vehicle under their ownership or have been a passenger in at any Ɵme whilst the employees are on the Company’s premises and, in parƟcular, when entering or leaving the Company’s premises. The search will always be conducted in the All employees acknowledge that, the Company will be the owner all Intellectual Property you make in the course of your employment. To confirm this ownership, it is a condiƟon of your employment that you assign to the Company your enƟre right, Ɵtle and interest in the United Kingdom, Europe and throughout the world, in and to any such Intellectual Property, as well as your enƟre right, Ɵtle and interest in and to any patent applicaƟons which may be filed with respect to such Intellectual Property including any and all divisional applicaƟons, and any and all patents which may issue or be re - issued for such Intellectual Property. 27) Eʡʦʖʠȷʑnɢ Employees will be held responsible and accountable for any loss or damage of all equipment (tools, vehicles, mobile phones, laptops etc.) commiƩed to their care. Upon terminaƟon of employment all equipment which is the property of the Company must be returned to the employee’s immediate Supervisor/Manager. The Company reserves the right to charge an employee for any loss or damage of equipment. presence of a third party. 26) IʜɃʑnʤiʝnɡ Full details are available on Cascade. 24) Pʑrsʝnɪɗ Prʝȼɏԯɨ
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