New employee handbook April 2024
28) Oʃȱʑɠ Eʛɿlʝlsȷʑnɢ Unless prevented by ill health, you must devote your whole Ɵme and aƩenƟon, during business hours, to the acƟviƟes of the Company and during the conƟnuance of your employment you will not undertake addiƟonal employment or engage in other business interests except with the prior consent of the Managing Director or HR. 29) Rɰlaʤiʝnʂʕʖpɡ aɢ Wʝʁɖ Personal relaƟonships do, at Ɵmes, overlap with working relaƟonships, and to ensure that individuals do not become involved in situaƟons where a conflict of interest may arise or where they may become vulnerable to accusaƟons of bias or prejudice, we ask that you declare any personal relaƟonships to HR. We may need to review the exisƟng reporƟng structure or operaƟonal requirements with regard to audit or finance requirements and take any appropriate measures. In extreme cases we may need to explore the possibility of one party being moved to a different area of work or locaƟon. Please refer to the Business Code of Conduct & Corporate Ethics policy for full guidance. 30) DisɭloʣʦȾɏ Է Infʝʢmaʤiʝɚ Except in the proper course of duty in line with Company levels of authority an employee, either during or aŌer the period of employment, shall not divulge or cause to be published or disclose any confidenƟal or secret informaƟon in the possession of the employee concerning the business, its finances of the Company, parent or subsidiary including its associates or customers of the Company. With the exclusion of customer facing or markeƟng documentaƟon, employees are reminded that the distribuƟon of Company documents is prohibited and any breach of this requirement, may result in disciplinary and/or legal acƟon. 31) Lʝnɒ SʑʢʧiȪɏ The Employer values long service by making awards to employees who have completed 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years’ conƟnuous service with the Employer. 32) Reʎʢʦiʤȷʑnɢ Should you wish to recruit, please refer to the Recruitment Policy & Process for full guidance on recruiƟng and the Recruitment Referral Scheme. ʯ3) ReȯʑȾʑnȪeɡ All reference requests for exisƟng or past employees must be directed to for processing, and a standard reference will be issued. Requests for telephone or verbal references should be rejected to minimise the risk of misinterpretaƟon. If you receive a verbal request please redirect them to request the reference via email from . If you are asked to provide a reference in a personal capacity (e.g. as a friend) you must make it clear that it is a personal reference and not under any circumstances use headed paper or respond from a company email address. No liability will aƩach to J & E Hall if you decide to act in a personal capacity as a personal referee. Reference requests from banks, building socieƟes or other potenƟal lenders should be directed to HR for response, as with employment references.
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