New employee handbook April 2024
34) Smɼʘʖnɒ & Vʋʠʖnɒ All our employees have the right to work in a smoke/vape free environment. Both during and outside normal working hours smoking and vaping is prohibited in all enclosed and substanƟally enclosed premises in the workplace, including work vehicles. A work vehicle is defined as a vehicle supplied by the Company. Appropriate “No - Smoking” signs are clearly displayed at all entrances into our premises and in all “work” vehicles. There are designated smoking and vaping areas at each office locaƟon where you are able to smoke/vape, you must only smoke/ vape in these designated areas and nowhere else whilst on Company premises. The charging of Vaping equipment is prohibited in all Company locaƟons and vehicles. Employees who do not comply with this Policy will be subject to the exisƟng Disciplinary Procedure. Furthermore, those who do not comply with the smoke free law may also be liable to a fixed penalty fine and possible criminal prosecuƟon. 35) Dʢugɡ & Alcɼhɼɗ Alcoholic beverages may neither be brought on to nor consumed upon the Company’s or its customers’ premises except on special business occasions where authorisaƟon of a Director or Senior Manager has been given. All employees should also make themselves aware of the Drugs and Alcohol Policy . 36) Gʋɺɬʙʖnɒ Beƫng and gambling is forbidden on the Company’s or customers’ premises, online or on working sites. Employees should make themselves familiar with the Electronic CommunicaƟon & Social Media Policy . 37) Pʢʖvaɀɏ Traʏʖnɒ No sale of goods or private trading of any descripƟon are allowed on the Company’s premises or working sites. Employees should make themselves familiar with the Electronic CommunicaƟon & Social Media Policy . 38) Anʤɔ - Bʢɵȩʑʢɨ & Anʤɔ - Cʝrʢʦpʤiʝɚ It is the Company’s policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero - tolerance approach to bribery and corrupƟon and are commiƩed to acƟng fairly and with integrity in all our business dealings and relaƟonships wherever we operate. We are also commiƩed to implemenƟng and enforcing effecƟve systems to counter bribery. All employees should also make themselves aware of the AnƟ - Bribery and AnƟ - CorrupƟon Policy . 39) DatɈ Pɠԩecʤiʝɚ In order to saƟsfy contractual and operaƟonal commitments to its employees it is essenƟal that the Company maintains accurate and up to date personnel records. Employees are required to update their Cascade record with any change in their personal circumstances relevant to their employment for example a change of name, address, next of kin, marital status etc. The Company holds personal informaƟon of all employees in its filing systems, including computerised records. Under the terms of the Data ProtecƟon Act all employees are enƟtled to ask to be supplied with a copy of the data held on themselves. The procedure to be adopted is described in our GDPR Policy and Procedures. To assist the Company in compliance with their legal obligaƟons all employees who hold a sponsored visa must sign in and out, on arrival and departure each day, at their main place of work.
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