New employee handbook April 2024


40) Viʣitʝrɡ Visitors not employed by the Company are not permiƩed to enter any part of the Company’s premises or working sites other than a recepƟon area or Security Office at any Ɵme without prior permission of Management. The host is responsible for the Health and Safety of all visitors on site. All Visitors must register/complete the Visitor’s book on arrival. If the Visitor is not from the European Union, the country of origin must also be recorded. 41) Tʑʢʛʖnaʤiʝɚ Է Eʛɿlʝlsȷʑnɢ Your noƟce of employment that you are required to give the Company, as well as the Company’s obligaƟon to you as their employee is outlined in your contract of employment. This may change due to job role and length of service. Should your employment end for any reason, certain payments or deducƟons may be made, the TerminaƟon of Employment Policy covers provisions relaƟng to; a) ReƟrement Since the aboliƟon of the statutory reƟrement age, this should be treated as any other resignaƟon. b) Redundancy Statutory rates apply as outlined by the government, as well as a cap on the maximum weekly pay. c) Garden Leave & Pay in lieu of noƟce The Company reserves the right to place an employee on Garden Leave or pay any noƟce to them in lieu, should it suit the needs of the business. Please refer to the TerminaƟon of Employment Policy for further details on these clauses. 42) Vɰʕiɭȵeɡ The Company has an established vehicle policy that has been put in place by HR and the Management Team. The policy refers to the use of Company vehicles and hire vehicles and expectaƟons of both the employer and employee on the use of the vehicle and other maƩers such as insurance and accident reporƟng. a) Hire Vehicles From Ɵme to Ɵme, you may need to hire a vehicle for work travel. You can hire a vehicle by contacƟng SG Fleet directly if you currently have a Company Vehicle or HR can arrange this for you if you do not have a Company Vehicle. Please note, you are advised to bring with you a copy of the insurance document during the lease of the vehicle. You can find a copy of the Company insurance document on Cascade. Remember to check your vehicle before and aŌer your hire to ensure that no damaged has been caused. Also, remember to fill the petrol/diesel tank up prior to returning the car as the Company will be charged a premium rate to refuel. The Company reserves the right to recharge the employee directly for the difference between the current fuel pump rate and the chargeable amount by the hire Company. Any malicious damaged caused, parking charges, congesƟon or tolls, fuel not refilled or any other addiƟonal cost outside of the hire that has to be met by the Company, we (the Company) reserve the right to deduct this from your salary. Please refer to the full Vehicle Policy for further details.


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