New employee handbook April 2024


43) Eʦrʝȼeʋɚ Wʝʁkɡ Cʝʦnʎɵɗ The Company is part of the European Works Council (EWC) in associaƟon with Daikin UK. EWC meeƟngs are held to provide an update on the business. Daikin hold an EWC meeƟng periodically and are aƩended by an elected employee. In the event the elected employee is unable to aƩend the event, the Company will hold a vote to elect a deputy. All employees will be contacted by HR in this instance and will advise on how you can nominate yourself for this role. Please note, travel throughout Europe will be required to aƩend the EWC meeƟngs. ʰ4) Wʕisʃȵɰɬlʝʨʖnɒ The Company’s aim of the Whistleblowing policy is to encourage employees to raise any genuine concerns they might have about certain wrongdoings within the Company without fear of reprisal, to provide you with guidance on how to raise those concerns and to enable the Company to invesƟgate such concerns and deal with them appropriately. For more details, please review the full Whistleblowing Policy. 45) Moȫʑʢɚ SlʋɃʑʢɨ The Modern Slavery policy supports the Company’s commitment to limiƟng the risk of modern slavery occurring within our own business or infiltraƟng our supply chains or any other business relaƟonship. The policy applies to all employees working for, or on our behalf in any capacity, including employees, directors, officers, agency workers, contractors, consultants, volunteers and any other third party representaƟve. We expect all who have, or seek to have a business relaƟonship with the Company, to familiarise themselves with this policy and to

act at all Ɵmes in a way that is consistent with the Company’s values. For more informaƟon, please refer to the Modern Slavery Policy.


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