New employee handbook April 2024
Pay & Benefits
Yʝʦɠ Pʋyʂʙʖɞ Eʩɿlʋʖȸeɍ To access your payslip, log on to the Cascade system . Select ‘My Record’ located on the leŌ hand side of the screen. Then select ‘Payslips’ from the drop down menu. FȾȭɏ EɆɏ Tesɢ Everyone’s enƟtled to a free eye test through Specsavers and based on your role within the Company you may also be enƟtled to a discount on any glasses EʛɿlʝɆȭɏ AsʣistʋnȪɏ Proʔrʋʛȷɏ Your 24/7 confidenƟal support service offers pracƟcal guidance online and over the phone on everyday maƩers as well as being available for informaƟon and support with more serious problems too. you may need. Please contact for a voucher
Bʢiɳhɢ Iȫeaɡ Sɭȱʑȷɏ We would like to give everyone the op- portunity of further parƟcipaƟon in the business by encouraging you to submit worthwhile suggesƟons. BʑȾeʋɃʑȷʑnɢ Cʝʦnȿɰɸʙʖnɒ SʑʢʧiȪɏ The Bereavement Counselling Service is available to members’ immediate families in the event of the death of a member, or to the member if they suffer a bereavement.
EʛɿlʝɆȭɏ Reȯʑʢrɪɗ Sɭȱʑȷɏ Earn £1000 if you refer a family member, friend or even former
colleague for one of our vacancies and they get the job! The employee referral form can be found on Cascade within the documents secƟon.
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