New employee handbook April 2024


1) Baʣiɋ Tʑʢmɡ Your contractual terms and condiƟons of employment should be read in conjuncƟon with this employee handbook as well as the following (in no parƟcular order of precedence or hierarchy); a) Company’s Health, Safety, Quality and Environmental at Work Policies, Procedures and arrangements b) Company Policies and Procedures c) Other related Employment Statutes Copies of all these documents can be obtained from Cascade, J & E Hall secure area and the HSQE web based portal (EffecƟve SoŌware). 2) Eʡuɪʙiʤɨ The Company is commiƩed to eliminaƟng discriminaƟon amongst our workforce. Our objecƟve is to create a working environment in which there is no unlawful discriminaƟon based on any protected characterisƟcs being race, religion or belief system, sex, age, sexual orientaƟon, gender - reassignment, disability, being married or in a civil partnership or being pregnant or on maternity leave. All decisions made are based on merit. Please review the full Equality Policy for further guidance. 3) Pʋlsȷʑnɢ Է SɪlʋʢȲeɡ In accordance with your wriƩen contract of employment with the Company, salaries are paid monthly on or around the 16th day of each month and includes payment for the complete month. In certain job roles details of hours worked, allowances, stand by, call out and expenses claimed are recorded on a day to day basis on Ɵmesheets provided by the Company. It is an offence for any employee to record another person’s Ɵme or falsify their Ɵmesheet and where such an offence is commiƩed the individual will be subject to the disciplinary procedure (please refer to the specific disciplinary policy). An employee’s salary and deducƟons will be itemised on the pay slip which will be available via Cascade on the monthly pay date. Payment of salary will be by paid by BACs transfer into your nominated Bank or Building Society Account. Should you wish to change your bank details at any Ɵme during your employment you can do so through the Cascade self - service system. 4) Hʝʦrɡ Է wʝʁɖ The working week is Monday to Friday and the hours of work applicable to employees are outlined in your contract of employment. 5) Fȵʑʩɵɬȵɏ Wʝʁʘʖnɒ Flexible working is a way of working that suits an employee’s needs, e.g. having flexible start and finish Ɵmes, or working from home. To apply for flexible working; a) The employee must complete the ApplicaƟon for Flexible Working (found on Cascade as part of the Flexible Working Policy) outlining that they are making a statutory request as well as explaining how they wish to alter their hours of work. b) The Company will then consider the request and make a decision within two months (or longer if agreed).


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