New employee handbook April 2024


c) If the Company agrees the request, the change will be trialled or permanently agreed by changing the contract of employment. d) If the Company cannot facilitate the request, it will be refused, and reasons will be outlined to you. Should you be dissaƟsfied with the decision, you may appeal the decision. Employees are enƟtled to make two applicaƟons for flexible working within a rolling twelve - month period. 6) Hʝȷɏ ʝɠ Hʉʍʢiɍ Wʝʁʘʖnɒ Home or hybrid working is a way of working that allows flexibility for both the employer and employee without a contractual change. This could include arrangements under which your home would be your main place of work throughout your working week or arrangements which could involve you working from home for part of your working hours, for at least some of the week/month. As a company, we are supporƟve of such arrangements where these are appropriate and compaƟble with business needs. For more detailed informaƟon please refer to the Home and hybrid working policy available on cascade. 7) AbȿʑnȪɏ You should familiarise yourself with the full Absence Management Policy so that you know what is expected of you if you become ill or injured. In all instances absences must be recorded on Cascade by your Line Manager. a) Statutory Sick Pay a) Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) will normally be paid together with any Company Sickness Benefits (where applicable) but idenƟfied separately on payslips. b) The rate at which SSP is paid is outlined on and is reviewed annually. c) SSP will only be paid if employees follow the noƟficaƟon and cerƟficaƟon procedures as outlined in the Absence Management Policy . d) There can be no enƟtlement to SSP unless an employee has been absent for 4 or more consecuƟve days of which, the first 3 qualifying days, will be regarded as ‘WaiƟng Days’. Payment of SSP will commence on the fourth qualifying day of sickness. e) Monday to Friday will be deemed as “qualifying days”. Payment of SSP will be at the rate of one fiŌh of an employee’s weekly enƟtlement under the rate set out by the government. Please note under SSP rules the Company is obliged to deduct Income Tax and NaƟonal Insurance from SSP due. f) Two or more periods of absence (all consisƟng of 4 or more consecuƟve days) “link” if they occur within 8 weeks (56 days) of each other. These are considered as one period for the purpose of calculaƟng the SSP due. If an employee has already served waiƟng days during a first, linked, period of sickness, SSP will be payable from the first day of sickness in the subsequent linked period of sickness. SSP rules require the Company to pay a maximum of 28 weeks SSP in any single period of absence or series of linked absences for each eligible employee. g) Under the rules relaƟng to payment of SSP there are certain categories of employees for whom the Company may not pay SSP. These exclusions are as follows: (i) The employee is pregnant and within 4 weeks of the birth of their baby. (ii) The employee has claimed certain other State Benefits within the previous 56 days.

(iii) The employee has already received 28 weeks’ worth of SSP from the Company or their previous employer. (iv) The employee’s average weekly earnings over the past 8 weeks are less than the lower earnings limit.


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